Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Blog Post #2, Effective Presenter

I can hopefully become a more effective presenter by simplifying my approach.  In Flipboard the article The Deadliest Presentation Mistakes Anyone Can Avoid expanded on what was discussed in class. In particular not relying on too many facts and figures, pertinent stories engage the audience.  The most informative presentation means nothing if it falls on deaf ears.  Also, practicing before presenting.  This seems to be a common sense tip worth repeating.  Starting with sticky notes sounds like a cool idea as well.  Physically writing things in a small space, shifting around on a board to organize, and only then plugging it into a computer sounds like a great way to break down the process.


  1. My problem with presenting is that I always forget what I want to say, so when I make presentations I end up making them too wordy so I don't forget. Sticky notes is a good idea. Also, most programs let you do presenter notes that don't display on the screen. I need to use more of those!

  2. Reducing the volume of facts and figures on slides is something that I have been trying to do. It's hard! But I think you're right...most people probably don't care about the numbers and data as much as I do anyways!

  3. I love the sticky note idea. I do a lot of my planning "analog" and I find that it helps me when I start working digitally. The sticky notes are especially effective because they can be so easily moved around. I also like to plan on a large markerboard. I can take a step back and see the entire picture.
