Thursday, July 14, 2016

Blog Post #8: My Kahoot! lesson redifined

This semester I made the bold, very bold attempt, to incorporate an interactive quiz app called Kahoot! into a review time...and was totally surprised it worked.  It falls under "redefinition" because I have never been able to get everyone one involved and keep tabs on student activity.  This semester it was a one shot thing for many reasons; i.e.. technical glitches, time constraints, learning the program... but it was definitely a good experience and task previously unmanageable.  Instead of a total 1:1 I allowed teams of two on one phone.  I'm not going to go through every detail but considering my students are low level adults letting them pair up is a way to help build confidence and get a little teamwork going.  Will do my best to get a few more going next semester.

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