Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Blog Post #7: I like Prezi

 Prezi! My favorite tool so far has been Prezi. I've been stealing from co-workers, *cough* Ian Pollard *cough*@hermanator1023 (thank you buddy). After he and other coworkers took this class they so graciously shared their wealth. We've been teaching a lot of the same stuff for so long it was great to vamp up the old Power Points with Prezis. This Modern Family intro before watching the show is a gem. We are fortunate enough at my university to be trusted with a certain amount of multi media in the classroom. It often seems like wasting time to put on videos, can easily be a lazy class. Showing the Prezi first gives a fun summary helping hold the students' attention. I found that after incorporating the warm up Prezi into the lesson the students were more engaged during the show, more completed their worksheet, and we had better class discussions.


  1. Totally agree! Prezi is a great change of pace for presenting and great to hold students attention

  2. I think Prezi would be my runner-up favorite tool that I have used since starting this class. I agree that this tool is a nice improvement on Powerpoint. I like that it is online and very versatile.

  3. I'm glad you're enjoying Prezi. I think Bucheon is building a Prezi army, or at least a movement.
